General science by Brilliant academy of Learning

🔹Largest and strongest Bone in the body: Femur (thigh bone)
🔸Smallest Bone in the body:Stapes in ear
🔹Number of Cells in the body: 75 trillion
🔸Volume of Blood in the body: 6 litres (in 70 kg body)
🔹Number of Red Blood Cells (R.B.C.): In male: 5 to 6 million/cubic mm; In female: 4 to 5 million/cubic mm
🔸Life span of Red Blood Cells (R.B.C.): 100 to 120 days
🔹Life span of White Blood Cell (W.B.C.): 3 - 4 days
🔸Normal White Blood Cell (W.B.C.) count: 5000-10000/cubic mm
🔹Time taken by R.B.C. to complete one cycle of circulation: 20 seconds
🔸Other name of Red Blood Cell (R.B.C.): Erythrocytes
🔹Largest White Blood Cells:Monocytes
🔸Smallest White Blood Cells:Lymphocyte
🔹Who discovered Blood Group:Karl Landsteiner
🔸Blood Platelets count: 150,000 - 400,000 platelets per micro litre
🔹Haemoglobin (Hb): In male: 14-15 gm/100 c.c. of blood; In female: 11-14 gm/100 c.c. of blood
🔸Hb content in body: 500 - 700 gm
🔹pH of Urine: 6.5 - 8
🔸pH of Blood: 7.36-7.41
🔹Volume of Semen: 2-5 ml/ejaculation
🔸Normal Sperm Count: 250-400 million/ejaculation
🔹Menstrual cycle: 28 days
🔸Menopause age: 45-50 years
🔹Blood clotting time: 3-5 minutes
🔸Weight of Brain: 1300-1400 gm in human adult
🔹Weight of Brain: 350- 400 gm in child
🔸Brain % in weight of humanbody: 2%
🔹Normal Blood Pressure (B.P.):120/80 mm Hg
🔸Universal blood donor: O
🔹Universal blood recipient: AB
🔸Average body weight: 70 kg
🔹Normal body temperature: 37 degree celsius
🔸Breathing Rate at rest: 12-16/minute
🔹Number of Spinal Nerves: 31 pairs
🔸Largest Endocrine Gland:Thyroid gland
🔹Gestation period: 40 weeks or 9 calendar months
🔸Normal Heart Beat at rest: 72 beats per minute
🔹Largest Gland: Liver
🔸Largest Muscle in the body:Gluteus Maximus or Buttock Muscle
🔹Smallest Muscle in the body:Stapedius
🔸Largest Artery: Aorta
🔹Largest Vein: Inferior Vena Cava
🔸Largest and longest Nerve:Sciatic Nerve
🔹Longest Cell: Neurons (nerve cells)
🔸Minimum distance for proper vision: 25 cm
🔹Pulse rate: 72 per minute
🔸Thinnest Skin: Eyelids
🔹Weight of Heart: 200-300 gm.


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