Vocabulary made easy 1. Abash To make ashamed,to embarrass (लज्जित होना) 2 . Abate To subside,to reduce (कम करना) 3. Abdicate Renounce, to step down from a position of power or responsibility (सिंहासन का त्याग करना,त्याग करना ) 4. Aberration Something not typical,a deviation from the standard ( थोड़ा सा अलग ) 5. Abhor To hate very much,to detest (घृणा करना) 6. Abject Hopeless, extremely sad servile, defeated ( निराश,अधम,नीच) 7. Abnegate To reject,to renounce (त्याग देना) 8.Abortive Unsuccessful (असफल) 9. Abridge To shorten,to condense (छोटा करना) 10. Absolute Total, unlimited, perfect (एकदम वही , संपूर्ण) 11. Absolve To forgive,free from blame (माँफ करना,दोष से मुक्त करना 12. Abstinent Abstaining, voluntarily not doing something (छुटकारा पाना ) 13. Abstract Theoretical, impersonal (अमूर्त , सैद्धांतिक ) 14.Abstruse Hard to understand (जटिल,कठिन) 15 . Abysmal Extremely hopeless, wretched, bottomless, ver bad (बहुत ही खराब ) 16. Accolade Awa...