Do You Know India ? Important Details for SSC, NDA, CDS, Railway, DSSSB, Civil Services, General Competitions about India. सभी प्रतियोगी और सभी परीक्षाओं के लिए बहुत जरूरी। जरूर पढ़ें और सफल हों। Must for all students . GK for All . India Our Motherland India lies in Northern and Eastern Hemisphere in continent of Asia. India lies in South Asia.India is 5 th largest economy and by 2027 it is expected to become 3rd largest economy of the world . Among all major economies India's growth rate is highest but India is still a developing economy and as per Government of India by 2047 India will be a developed economy. India is a mixed economy where there is coexistence of Public and Private Sector. India is a country with unity in diversity. There are nearly all religions in India. Hinduism,Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, Jainism ,Buddhism, Zorasterianism ,Judaism and many tribal religions are found in India. Hundreds of languages are spoken throughout India. Our Indian Constitution has recognised 22 major languages which are in 8th Schedule of Constitution. There are many cultures in India. http://www.brilliantacademyoflear...