
Showing posts from September, 2022

Vocabulary enrichment 1 English Word Power for Bank Po Clerk IBPS PO Clerk SBI PO Clerk

Vo cabulary enrichment   English Word Power for IBPS PO, SBI PO,IBPS CLERK, SBI Clerk  1.Alight प्रदीप्त करना, जलाना  on fire, lit up get down or off, come to earth, settle उतरना,नीचे आना 2.allmentary पोषण, पौष्टिक, भोजन और पाचन से संबंधित concerning nutrition, nourishing 3. Amorphous बेढब आकारहीन no definite shape,vague,non crystalline,anihistic 4. Analgesia पीड़ा शून्यता absence or relief of pain 5. Ancillary अधीनस्थ, सहायक subsidiary, auxiliary ( especially of health workers) 6. Annihilate संहार करना, मिटा देना  destroy utterly 7. Apathy उदासीनता lack of interest, feeling, emotion 8. Aphasia बोलना बंद हो जाना loss of verbal understanding or expression 9. Arbitrary मनमाना random, capricious, despotic  10. Arduous कठिन hard to accomplish, strenuous,uphill, rigorous. 11 Assiduous परिश्रमी,अध्यवसायी hard working, persevering Compiled by  Nibha Mishra@BrilliantAcademyofLearning...