
Showing posts from December, 2023

GK|सामान्य ज्ञान|Brilliant Academy|9891726652

1. The speed of sound in air is 330 metre per second. The unit of intensity of sound is Decibel. 2. X Rays was invented by Roentgen in 1895. X Rays are Electro Magnetic waves. 3. Cell was invented by Robert Hook. Study of cells is called Cytology. Group of cells is called Tissue. Study of Tissue is called Histology. Cell is structural and functional unit of life . Ovum (Female Gamete) is the largest cell in human body . The largest known animal cell is an Ostrich egg. 4. In Human Being the respiratory pigment is Hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is a protein in Red Blood Cells that carries oxygen. It is red due to sub units hemes which contains iron . 5. Amphibians and many reptiles have 3 chambered hearts : 2 Atria and 1 Ventricle. Human beings have 4 chambers in Heart. 6. The 4 fat soluble vitamins A ,D ,E ,K are stored in liver ,fatty tissue and muscles. The synthesis of Vitamin K takes place in liver. 7. Vitamins - Chemical Name  Vitamin A - Retinol Vitamin B1 - Thymin  Vitamin B2 - ...

GK | सामान्यज्ञान|@Brilliant Academy| 9891726652

1. First five year plan (1951- 56) prioritised on Agriculture. पहले पंचवर्षीय योजना की प्राथमिकता कृषि थी। 2. Myopia means short sightedness . Concave lens is used to treat it. मायोपिया का अर्थ है निकट दृष्टि दोष । इसके इलाज के लिए अवतल लेंस का इस्तेमाल किया जाता है। 3. SEBI stands for Security Exchange Board of India. It was established on April 12,1988 by resolution of Government. SEBI का पूरा नाम सिक्यूरिटी एक्सचेंज बोर्ड ऑफ इंडिया जिसकी स्थापना बारह अप्रैल 1988 को सरकारी आदेश से हुआ। 4. Rs 1 bears the sign of Finance Secretary where as all other notes bear the sign of Governor of RBI . एक रूपिए पर वित्त सचिव का हस्ताक्षर होता है जबकि बाकी नोटों पर रिजर्व बैंक ऑफ इंडिया के गवर्नर का हस्ताक्षर होता है। 5. Indian Standard Time crosses through Naini|Mirzapur|Allahabad (UP) . It is 82 and half longitude and crosses through 5 Indian states that is UP, MP , Chattisgarh, Odisha & Andhra Pradesh . भारत का मानक समय साढ़े बिराशी डिग्री देशांतर, पांच राज्यों उत्तरप्रदेश (इलाहाबाद, नैनी, मि...