Reasoning for Bank po, MBA entrance, Upsc,

Here we are creating question sample in Statements & Arguments which is common for all the SBI, IBPS, SSC, UPSC exam and other competitive exams !!!

1.Over 26 crore accounts have been opened under Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana across the country now. The Scheme was launched by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi on August, 2014 with the objective of covering all households with at least one bank account.
Which of the following will be an effect/advantages of the scheme launched by the central government ?
1.It is helpful for the rural inhabitants where banking overhauls & further financial establishment are infrequently accessible.
2.It would decrease the function of money lenders in the lives of deprived, who till now did not contain access to banking overhauls.
3.It envisions a bank account & an ATM-facilitated RuPay debit card to a predictable 10 crore unbanked domestics in the kingdom.
4.It is preparation on revolutionizing the customary banking system in India by giving that the banking occasion & insurance treatment to the entire counting the poor.
5.All of these
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 5.All of these
Explanation :
2.PMJDY scheme is a universal assignment for monetary addition to making sure access to economic services, specifically, Banking/ Savings & set down accounts, allowance, recognition, indemnity, retirement fund in an inexpensive manner.
India will likely be able to roll out the goods and services tax (GST) from July 1 following a breakthrough on Monday over the seemingly intractable issue of tax administration after the Centre accommodated states’ concerns
Which of the following will be an impact of the given passage ?
1.Revenue will get a boost
2.Logistics, inventory costs will raise
3.compliance costs will raise
4.All 1, 2 and 3
5.Both 1 and 3
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 1.Revenue will get a boost
Explanation :
3.Input tax credit will encourage suppliers to pay taxes – States and Centre will have dual oversight – The number of tax-exempt goods will decline and Logistics, inventory costs &compliance costs will fall
India and the UK have signed three Bilateral Advance Pricing Agreements (APAs) in order to have a smooth tax regime between the two and reduce litigation arising out of transfer pricing issues.
Which of the following will be an immediate effect of the Advance Pricing Agreements (APAs) ?
1.To have a smooth tax regime between the two countries
2.To reduce litigation arising out of transfer pricing issues.
3.Both 1 and 2
4.Neither 1 or 2
5.Either 1 or 2
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 3.Both 1 and 2
Explanation :
4.India and the UK have signed three Bilateral Advance Pricing Agreements (APAs) in order to have a smooth tax regime between the two and reduce litigation arising out of transfer pricing issues.
The state education department recently issued a government resolution (GR) asking all schools in Maharashtra to install CCTV cameras.
I.To curb the unwanted activities and it helps create self discipline
II.It will enhance the school environment in the technical background
1.Only I can be inferred
2.Only II can be inferred
3.Both I and II can be inferred
4.Either I or II can be inferred
5.Neither I or II can be inferred
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 1.Only I can be inferred
Explanation :
5.Installation of CCTV cameras in the school to protect students.
BSNL has launched its Customer Acquisition and Customer Communication Management (CACMS) project that digitalizes mission critical, customer centric business process to provide customer experience across all channels throughout the customer lifecycle.
Which of the following will be an impact of the CACMS launched by BSNL ?
1.To centralize the business processes to ensure faster service, accurate customer responses and customer delight.
2.Customer onboarding is now being increased from hours to days
3.Customer onboarding is now being decreased from days to hours
4.Both 1 and 2
5.Both 1 and 3
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 5.Both 1 and 3
Explanation :
6.Customer Communication Management (CACMS) project will provide convenience of Aadhar based fast and efficient onboarding to the customers
The National Testing Agency proposed by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, aims to bring “professionalism and competence” in the field of conducting tests for higher educational institutions and benefit students as well.
Which of the following may be the reason for the proposal by the ministry ?
1.To bring reforms in the education system
2.To reduce the work of education department
3.Both 1 and 2
4.Either 1 or 2
5.None of these
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 1.To bring reforms in the education system
Explanation :
7.Establishment of NTA will free CBSE, AICTE and other agencies from conducting various exams and enable them to focus on their core areas and work on improving the quality of education. Its main purpose is to bring reforms in the education system
The government launched two incentive schemes “Lucky Grahak Yojana and Digi-Dhan Vyapar Yojana for both consumers and merchants
Which of the following will be an impact of these two schemes ?
1.To incentivize digital transactions
2.To simplify the business process
3.For quick transaction
4.To promote the business at the global level
5.To attract the consumers and merchants
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 1.To incentivize digital transactions
Explanation :
8.The aim of these schemes is to incentivize digital transactions so that electronic payments are adopted by all sections of the society, especially the poor and the middle class.
The Namami Gange programme in Haridwar and Varanasi have been approved by National Mission for Clean Ganga on January , 2017.
Which of the following will not be an effect of the Namami Gange programme ?
1.It is focuses on pollution, elimination, interventions
2.It will link the Haridwar and Varanasi
3.It will resolve the water crisis in Haridwar and Varanasi
4.All of these
5.None of these
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 1.It is focuses on pollution elimination interventions
Explanation :
9.Namami Gange Program which integrates the efforts to clean and protect the Ganga river in a comprehensive manner.
The Ministry of Steel has prepared the draft policy named “The National Steel Policy (NSP), 2017” to ensure that the steel sector follows a sustainable path of development in respect of augmenting capacity to 300 MT by 2030-31 in environment friendly manner, mineral conservation, quality of steel products, use of technology and indigenous R&D efforts, so that the country can, over time, reach the global efficiency benchmarks.
Which of the following will be the fallout of The National Steel Policy (NSP), 2017 ?
1.It will create a globally competitive steel industry that promotes inter-sectoral growth
2.It will ensure easy availability of raw materials, optimum land use
3.It will create job opportunities during the implementation process
4.To double India’s domestic steel production capacity to 300 million tonnes by 2030-31.
5.All of these
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 5.All of these
Explanation :
10.The above statement are the features of The National Steel Policy (NSP), 2017
The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has approval to the package for supporting Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) – Augmentation of the Corpus of Credit Guarantee Trust Fund for Micro and Small Enterprises (CGTMSE).
What will be the benefits of the above proposals ?
1.Limit the unfunded contingent liabilities
2.Improving financial management
3.Improving unsustainability of the Fund
4.Both 1 and 2
5.Both 1 and 3
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 4.Both 1 and 2
Explanation :
Benefits of package to MSEs and CGTMSE
Lowering the level of leverage;Improving sustainability of the Fund; Enable the Trust to enhance the quantum of credit guarantee to larger number of MSEs; Improving financial management; and Limit the unfunded contingent liabilities.


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