Very important points of GK, SCIENCE( chemistry , biology & physics) for NDA ,CDS ,CAPF AC ,UPSC, SSC ,RAILWAYS DSSSB & UPCOMING EXAMS @ BRILLIANT ACADEMY OF LEARNING , Laxmi Nagar, Delhi

 1. How is sex determined in Human Beings ? 

Human male sex chromosomes  are XY & Human female sex chromosomes are XX. When a male gamete that is sperm carrying X chromosome fertilize an ova , the zygote develop into female & when a sperm carrying Y chromosome fertilizes an egg , zygote develops into male.

2. What is Genetics ? Who coined the term Genetics ? Who is called Father of Genetics?

Transfer of  hereditary character from one generation to the next generation is called Genetics .

The term Genetics was coined by W .Watson. The father of Genetics is G.J. Mendel.

3.  What is cell? Study of cell is called ? Who coined term Cell ? Who propounded cell theory ?  Which is the smallest and longest cell in humans ?  Which is the smallest and biggest cell in organism ? 

Cell is structural and functional unit of life . Study of cell is called Cytology . The term cell was coined by Robert Hook. Cell theory was propounded by Schilden and Schwan . The smallest cell in humans is sperm cell and longest cell is neuron . The smallest cell among all organisms  is Mycoplasma gallisepticum and biggest cell is egg of ostrich.

4. What is Mitochondria ?

Mitochondria is found in cytoplasm . It is considered as prokaryotic cell inside eukaryotic cell. It is the site for cellular respiration, It synthesizes energy rich compound ATP ,energy currency of cell. Mitochondria is called power house of the cell.

5. What is Plastid ?

Plastid is found in plant cell only. It is of 3 types - chloroplast , chromoplast, leucoplast .                  Chloroplast provides green colour to plant due to presence of chlorophyl  and it takes part in photosynthesis .

Chromoplast provides various colours to the plant like flower ,fruit etc. Lycopene provides red colour in tomato. Carotene provides yellow or orange colour like in carrot. 

Leucoplast is colourless. It stores the food in the form of starch, fat, and protein granules. It is found in root and underground stem.

To be continued ................

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