English made easy by Best SSC Coaching in Delhi

1. Abase
Means: Cause To Feel Shame
2. Aberration
Means: A State Or Condition Markedly Different From The Normal
3. Abject
Means: Most Unfortunate Or Miserable
4. Abrasive
Means: Sharply Disagreeable, Rigorous
5. Abstain
Means: Choose Not To Consume
6. Abundant
Means: Present In Great Quantity
7. Abundant
Means: Present In Great Quantity
8. Accede
Means: Yield To Another's Wish Or Opinion
9. Accentuate
Means: To Stress, Single Out As Important
10. Acclimate
Means: Get Used To A Certain Climate
11. Accomplice
Means: A Person Who Joins With Another In Carrying Out Some Plan
12. Accord
Means: Concurrence Of Opinion
13. Acerbic
Means: Harsh Or Corrosive In Tone
14. Acme
Means: The Highest Stage Of Development
15. Acquiesce
Means: To Agree Or Express Agreement


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