A Few misguided Kashmiri youths should learn secular values from our Kashmir regiment
in which there are 50% Muslims, 25%Dogras & 25%Sikhs. They worship together according to their customs & beliefs .All of them are commited to service of their Motherland. Hardly we find any incident of treachery in our army irrespective of caste ,colour,religion,language,culture & geography.

Some kashmiri
people are being misguided on the name of religion. Every religion teaches
us love,peace,co-operation & brotherhood.Nationalism is the greatest religion.
Kashmiris have same rights & duties as other Indians.

 Wants are unlimited &
Means are limited. Every part of the country has some problems . There is no discrimination in India in distribution of financial resources to different parts
of the country. Every Indian has equal opportunity for growth with dignity &
justice. Employment in Govt. & private sector is unable to bridge the gap
between demand & supply . Therefore it becomes easy to spread the discontent
& dis-satisfaction of our youths in different parts of our country & Kashmir is
not the exception.
 In the case of Kashmir due to  Pakistani policies of terror
the situation becomes alarming. Hats off to our army personnel that inspite
of provocations by stone peltors & abuses hurled on brave soldiers by few
misguided Kashmiri Indians they remain cool & calm protecting their lives &
property using minimum force.
KASHMIR needs development , employment generation , law and order at
rapid pace to end separatist & secessionist tendencies among Kashmiri
Indians. All the stakeholders in Kashmir should come forward for negotiations
to save paradise of India.
Might of Indian Army , co-operation of Kashmiri intellectuals, programmes
of poverty eradication & employment generation at fast speed, regaining
the trust & confidence of ordinary Kashmiri Indians can improve the situation in kashmir.

Hoping for quick resolution of Kashmir issue under constitutional mechanisms.



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